Tuesday, November 04, 2008

History being made

I worked on 6 drawings last night. 6 drawings! That's a record for me. Granted none of them look like anything other than outlines...with a few rough squiggles, but seriously- that's insane, even for me.
It's all of those drawings that I have to get done by Christmas (the presents for loved ones). I'll only work on them one at a time now. 6 at once. Whew!

I also finished sock #3.5 yesterday afternoon. I didn't take any pictures yet. I figure I'll wait until I get the other one finished and take a picture of the pair...not on my feet. I kind of like how this one turned out. I kind of mixed several patterns together to get the kind of sock that I wanted...and then I kind of made part of it up...because that's how I roll.

But yeah, today I'm hoping to get at least one of the drawings 1/2 way to 100% of the way finished, and be able to cross it off of my list of things that need to be finished.

Oh yeah, and it's election day.

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